R & D Info

Research Articles Of Interest

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What should local fire departments be doing today to adopt smart firefighting strategies?

What are the smart firefighting priorities for the fire service?

Discuss the many benefits of adopting smart firefighting technology within your department. 

Remove technological roadblocks by updating hardware, software and communications.

Smart Firefighting Workshop Summary Report

This report summarizes the results of the Smart Firefighting Workshop held on March 24 and 25, 2014, in Arlington, Virginia and sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The Workshop provided a forum to help identify and understand the R&D needs for implementation of smart firefighting, highlighting use of existing technologies, development and deployment of emerging technologies including cyber-physical systems (CPS), and use of standards for data collection, exchange, and situational awareness tools.

DATA in the Fire Service: Can We Improve Our Planning and Response While Documenting Our Value to Our Community?

Data can provide valuable information to make good decisions when developing deployment strategies and evaluating fire department incident activity.